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Legislation & Compliance

In the realms of payroll and HR, prioritising confidentiality and compliance is paramount to safeguarding both your employees and your organisation. Explore our extensive array of resources, offering insights into the latest legislative developments and certifications, equipping you with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of regulatory requirements with confidence and proficiency.

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Content Types
A confident woman stands in the foreground of a modern, collaborative office space with colleagues working in the background.

Ireland's Employment Permits Act 2024: Understanding the Changes

Significant changes have been made to the Irish labour market with the Employment Permits Act 2024, giving further options and flexibility.

Parvekkeella tietokone ja pöytä ja merinäköala

Navigating Workation Policies in Ireland: A Guide for Payroll and HR Professionals

Workations can be a great way for employees to maximise benefits and support a great work-life balance. Companies offering workations should be aware of a few rules and legislations to ensure smooth sailing for their employees through the process.

Young couple holding baby

Important Updates to Parents Leave in Ireland

Stay informed about the upcoming changes to Parent’s leave in Ireland. From 1 August 2024, parent's leave will increase from 7 to 9 weeks for eligible employees. Learn more about these updates and how they affect your business.

People sitting at desk looking at statistic sheets on clipboard and tablet.

Safeguarding Your Business During a Revenue Audit: Expert Tips and Tricks

What is the Revenue audit process, and how can you best prepare? Contact us today to find out how to pass a Revenue audit and how outsourcing payroll can help.


What Irish Employers Should Know About Auto-Enrolment

In 2023, The Oireachtas Social Protection Committee recommended was that the “cut-off age of 70 be replaced with 75 and that the enhanced pension would keep increasing until the individual starts drawing down their pension or reaches 75.

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Payroll Compliance Guide

From this guide, you can enhance transparency and accuracy in payroll processes with detailed information on avoiding breaches and GDPR compliancy through payroll. This essential resource helps prevent penalties and guarantees a workplace that is both compliant and equitable. 


The Role of Paternity Leave in Closing the Gender Wage Gap: A Father's Day Reflection

What is the law on paternity leave in Ireland? Contact us today for help understanding employee leave entitlements and Gender Pay Gap Reporting requirements.

Kiharatukkainen nainen istuu katsoen tietokonetta sylissään ja hymyilee

How to Create a Gender Pay Gap Reporting Strategy

Unlock the power of equitable workplaces with our comprehensive guide on crafting a Gender Pay Gap Reporting Strategy. From understanding the nuances of gender disparities to implementing actionable steps for organisational change, this guide offers insightful strategies to foster transparency, accountability, and ultimately, equality in the workplace.

Womans hands on graphics sheets

What is Emergency Tax and How Does it Work?

While it may seem like a complicated issue, emergency tax is easy to avoid if both employee and employer have everything in place before the new role commences. For more information on emergency tax and how to navigate it, read our insightful article.

Toy figured on wooden shelf

Gender Pay Gap Reporting: What Does it Mean for Irish Employers

In our comprehensive article, Gender Pay Gap Reporting: What Does it Mean for Irish Employers?, we answer these questions and show you how to design your reporting strategy.

Woman in blue blouse and white blazer, sitting at desk with laptop

What is Benefit in Kind and Why Must Employer’s Know About It?

A benefit-in-kind is any non-cash benefit of monetary value that an employer provides for an employee. These benefits are often referred to as notional pay, fringe benefits, or perks. These benefits have monetary value, so they must be treated as taxable income. 

To learn about Benefit in Kind in Ireland, what benefits are included and which are exempt, as well as how it's calculated, read our insightful article.

Hands on table with calculator and expenses reporting

Balancing Automation and Compliance in Expense Reporting

Explore strategies for harmonizing automation and compliance in expense reporting. Discover the benefits of streamlined processes while maintaining adherence.
